Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some Pictures

Here we go some random images.

The BMW show room

This guy had an eye for the pretty girls

Some toilet product in Munich, read the labels closely...

The Palace in Munich

Check out this carriage... There is the top and man this is way over it!!

Ohhh a pretty lake

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Long time no add

Well we have made it to Munich. Paris was lovely although we did not strike wonderful weather that seemed to have come just after we left. In Paris we did museums and the usual tourist sites, of which there are too many to even mention, and those are the ones that we went to not the mention the ones we did make it to. One we went to the impressionist museum, we had to wait for about an hour in the rain to even get into, those damn tourists! There Karen was drawn to a bear's bum but in honesty it was more the chance to sit down. The catch cry of the trip has been "my feet hurt".

Alas there this cry wasn't heard so much in Paris as Karen picked up a cold and is only now getting over it, so there were a couple of days that were late starts and early finishes on a exploration of the the sites of gay Paris. The Louvre was definitely a highlight, one feature that made it so was the audio guides. You will see around my neck as I am being educated about the motives of the artist depicting the subject in such and such a light, placement and pose.

We went to the Eiffel on no less than three times, first time is was to cold and wet to even think of going up there, the second was to see the light show at night and then on the final day to actual reach the top. What spectacular views of the city (and smog) you get up there. I would have added a picture of the smog but it has not been reduced in size to aid you the viewer, yet.

Another place we went to was Chateau du Versailles (or something like that) , wow what a place HUGE the palace and gardens. Here is a link just to give you an idea of the size of the gardens, most of what you can see on this map is the grounds of the place.

View Larger Map

This is the place people like Louis XIV & XV hung out. I may be wrong but it where the the quote "why don't they eat cake" came from.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Not much blogging going on for the last week as internet access at the hotel's not free... and we're too cheap to pay 7 euro per hour too often. So after Cambridge, we went up to Leeds via Chatsworth, which is a modest little shack in/near the Peak district. Bob is obviously related to some of the statuary. We enjoyed lovely English weather too - i.e. more or less continuous drizzle.

In Leeds, we caught up with Simon, and saw a bit of Leeds - well, mostly the inside of the armoury, but who could have imagined that there were so many different ways to kill people?

Importantly, we also managed to do the laundry, in between drinking pints at the pub. spent a day at Harewood House, which happened to be hosting a steam rally. Not that anything much was rallying anywhere at any great speed. From Leeds we hotfooted it to Paris, where we've been for the last week. More photos of gay Paris to follow.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 5 - London to Cambridge

Hey wow new author, me the apparent star of this show if you were to just look at the the photos. "My feet hurt" Karen is having the night off. You see here where she is having tea at Liz's place, if look look closely you will see the Palace logo on the paper cups she is holding.
Well to be honest this is from yesterday but I had to change the bias of the photos so far submitted.

So while waiting to pick up the car this morning we wondered into the British Library, the place that houses the original Magna Carta as well as other interesting things like the original "Alice in Wonderland" done in hand writing and sketches in the margin. All very fascinating stuff.

Hit the road off to Cambridge, wow these guys drive fast, and the motoway side service areas are something to see to believe... Huge!!

Arrive Cambridge, checked into our nice hotel then wondered the streets of the town avoiding wild cyclists... near killed I was.
The picture on the left is of the front of King's College, what an amazing chapel they have there.

During our wonderings we came across on on the the strangest buskers I have ever seen, a guy in a bin playing the guitar and singing. Just had to get the picture.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Days 2 - 4: London

One 'benefit' of jet lag is being up early to catch the morning news on the BBC. They spent the entire morning bulletin the other day highlighting the dangers of charging cows, and whether or not you should let your dog off its leash if you were confronted by a charging cow.... surely there must be something else going on in the world??? However we do keep getting places early enough to beat the crowds, which are just ridiculous. I'm not sure anyone actually lives in London because the place is full of tourists.

We've been busy seeing old stuff (Tower of London and Tower bridge), Greenwich (to see the longitude clocks by John Harrison), St Pauls's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace (Liz still not free to see us so we had to pay for our own morning tea), and Natural History Museum. Holidaying is hard work. My feet hurt!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 1 - London

Jetlag meant we were up with the larks.... and wandering down Tottenham Court Rd at 7am!

Unsurprisingly the prime minister was not taking our call at this early hour, and neither was Liz. So instead we went to the British Museum.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Yay for frequent flyer points

Bob likes business class - note the Qantas pyjamas

Finally, on our way

Got stuck in Melbourne for a couple hours.....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Another day, another plane

But at least this time it's for a holiday.... stay posted for boring details