Monday, September 7, 2009


Not much blogging going on for the last week as internet access at the hotel's not free... and we're too cheap to pay 7 euro per hour too often. So after Cambridge, we went up to Leeds via Chatsworth, which is a modest little shack in/near the Peak district. Bob is obviously related to some of the statuary. We enjoyed lovely English weather too - i.e. more or less continuous drizzle.

In Leeds, we caught up with Simon, and saw a bit of Leeds - well, mostly the inside of the armoury, but who could have imagined that there were so many different ways to kill people?

Importantly, we also managed to do the laundry, in between drinking pints at the pub. spent a day at Harewood House, which happened to be hosting a steam rally. Not that anything much was rallying anywhere at any great speed. From Leeds we hotfooted it to Paris, where we've been for the last week. More photos of gay Paris to follow.