Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 5 - London to Cambridge

Hey wow new author, me the apparent star of this show if you were to just look at the the photos. "My feet hurt" Karen is having the night off. You see here where she is having tea at Liz's place, if look look closely you will see the Palace logo on the paper cups she is holding.
Well to be honest this is from yesterday but I had to change the bias of the photos so far submitted.

So while waiting to pick up the car this morning we wondered into the British Library, the place that houses the original Magna Carta as well as other interesting things like the original "Alice in Wonderland" done in hand writing and sketches in the margin. All very fascinating stuff.

Hit the road off to Cambridge, wow these guys drive fast, and the motoway side service areas are something to see to believe... Huge!!

Arrive Cambridge, checked into our nice hotel then wondered the streets of the town avoiding wild cyclists... near killed I was.
The picture on the left is of the front of King's College, what an amazing chapel they have there.

During our wonderings we came across on on the the strangest buskers I have ever seen, a guy in a bin playing the guitar and singing. Just had to get the picture.


Chris said...

Dont forget to go to the American war cemetery in Cambridge

Arthur Potter said...

Hi Rob and Karen

Dad and I are really proud of ourselves - this is the first time either of us have even seen a blog.

Hope you are having a wonderful time. When you retun home you will find an invitation to a Potter family reunion in Geelong, 7 November. Hope to see you there.

Chees Dad and Margaret

Dr K said...

Hi, family great to see you have taken a moment to read our humble offering. It has been very porly maintained since we left England as there is no free internet at this hotel, can get it for about $45 a day. I will do more on it next week week when Karen is at her conference, hopefully.
Its been fabulous seeing all these places that you have only seen on TV before.
A reunion that sounds like fun!
Talk to you all soon.

Dr K said...

By the way the previous post was not from Karen, it was Rob.